Optimize your home's efficiency to save money and increase comfort.

The Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) is a government-funded program to help low-income homeowners and renters lower their energy costs by making their homes more energy efficient. The program saves households an average of $350 per year in energy costs. Energy inspectors visit eligible households to see what work needs to be done to save energy. The inspectors also do a health and safety check to make sure that all energy-related systems are working properly. Trained weatherization workers then make needed energy-saving improvements such as insulating the attic and walls, sealing cracks, wrapping the water heater and pipes, installing storm windows, or making other energy-related improvements. Following the work, an inspector will check to make sure that everything was done properly.
WAP services are free. Some homes need more work than others, so the value of the work varies depending on need. The average value is $5500. The cost limit per home is $10,000 in energy improvements.
MOC’s Heating System Repair and Replacement Program (HEARTWAP) provides heating system repairs and replacements for income eligible homeowners. The program is operational year round. During the winter months, the program focuses on providing assistance to low-income clients who are having problems with their primary heating system. Priority for HEARTWAP services is given to clients in an emergency no-heat or unsafe heating situation. Non-essential heating system work is deferred until the end of the heating season or until it is clear that MOC will have enough funding to provide services for all emergencies. During the spring and summer months, HEARTWAP provides heating system maintenance and clean and tune services.
Only homeowners are eligible for services through HEARTWAP. However, MOC can assist tenants in advocating for their rights with landlords in no-heat situations.
68 Airport Road, Fitchburg MA 01420
Monday, Wednesday & Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM