When you don't know what to do or where to go, we are here to help.

MOC provides supportive services and case management to eligible families placed in family shelter facilities. Re-housing services focus on assisting families in shelter to find permanent housing and include: developing a housing search & budget plan; providing referrals to appropriate housing services and credit counselors; ongoing case management and short- and medium-term rental subsidies when funds are available.
Once families have been housed from shelter they continue to receive stabilization case management to remain stably housed. Supportive services and case management are provided in the areas of subsidized housing search, financial education, and workshops on education, training, employment and parenting.
For more information on how to apply for EA Shelter opportunities, please visit the Massachusetts's Health & Social Services website or call (866) 584-0653.
MOC’s Supportive Housing Program offers permanent supportive housing and case management services to disabled families from North Central Massachusetts who are homeless. Case management focuses on areas as budgeting, applications for Section 8 housing and connections to education and training opportunities. Services are provided with the goal of families becoming stable in their housing and avoiding future homelessness situations.